How to make Wudu

Wudu in 10 Simple Steps!


Memories of learning Islam as a child were far from pleasant, with strict teachers and harsh discipline mixed with not being able to understand anything I was repeating or why I was doing it, made the whole experience quite traumatic.  I remember scary speeches of Allah’s anger and vivid images of the hellfire that terrified me…As soon as I could, I ran away.

Learning emotionless, robotic moves of making Wudu with ice-cold water in Madrasah with constant reminders of the punishments are still heavily imprinted in my mind.  As an adult who later re-learnt the religion correctly, I found that I was actually taught to make Wudu wrong!

The first impression of Islam is crucial to your child, the images, memories and feelings are forever imprinted in their little hearts and minds.  Islam is actually full of love and mercy, and a truly nurturing way of life.  Each learning experience such as how to make Wudu should be a wonderful memory, binding us to Allah forever Insha’Allah!

A lot of the time when I learnt something about Islam I was never told the reason why I should do it.  Making a point to let our kids know why we do something is crucial and develops the awareness that we do things to please Allah; the One Who created us all and The Only One that deserves our worship.

What is Wudu?

Wudu is a special wash that you perform with water before we pray and read the Holy Qur’an.

Why do we do have to make Wudu?

A common question on all kids’ lips is “why!”  The simple answer is because Allah told us to in the Holy Qur’an.

 “O you who believe! When you intend to offer As-Salah (the prayer), wash your faces and your hands (forearms) up to the elbows, rub (by passing wet hands over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up to the ankles…Allah does not want to place you in difficulty, but He wants to purify you, and to complete His Favour to you that you may be thankful” (Surah al-Maa’idah 5:6)

Another benefit of Wudu is that it also teaches cleanliness, which is also very important for growing children.  Our Prophet Muhammad (SWS) said, “Cleanliness is half of faith…” (Sahih Muslim).

So here are the 10 Simple steps to make Wudu!

It’s important that you do the following steps in order… but before you start you should make an intention to make Wudu…you can do this by whispering to your heart …”I am going to make Wudu!”…Ok let’s begin…

  1. Begin by saying: Bismillah
  2. Completely Wash your hands including your wrist and between the fingers…do this 3 times
  3. Put water into your mouth with the right hand, swirl it around in your mouth and then spit it out…do this 3 times
  4. Sniff water into your nose as far as you can with your right hand… then blow it out using your left hand…do this 3 times
  5. Wash your face completely from your forehead to your chin…and from right ear to the left ear…if you have a beard than run your wet fingers through it…
  6. Wash your right arm…begin at the fingertips…washing your whole hand, arm and elbow…do this 3 times…then wash your left arm in same order.
  7. Wipe your head…Start at your fringe …move your hands to the back of your head and then back to the font of your fringe…in one move! This is only done 1 time
  8. Wipe the inside of both of your ears with your index finger…then the back of your ears you’re your thumb…this is only done 1 time
  9. Wash the right foot including your ankle…make sure you wash between your toes using your small pinkie finger….this is done 3 times….do the same for your left foot !
  10. After you are finished you should say

“Ashadu an-la ilaha illallahu, washadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh” 

You can also say “Allahuma ijalnee minal tawabeen wa ijal nee minal mutahireen”

Simple enough?

My boys started making Wudu by copying me when they were barely walking!

Let them see you make wudu, they will naturally copy you insha Allah!  Encourage your kids to make Wudu as young as possible even if they don’t do it properly. Try to make Wudu with them and ask them to remind you what part to wash next.

Have fun!  Make it a memorable and rewarding experience for your kids, also remind them that water is a blessing from Allah and that we shouldn’t waste it.

Insha’Allah, by the time they reach adulthood they should have had enough practice of making Wudu that it will become a blessed part of their daily lives.

Tip: It’s also encouraged to have Wudu as much as possible during the day and even when you go to bed as it acts as a protective shield Alhamdulillah!

Make Wudu an important part of you and families everyday life and remember it’s an act of worship!

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